This is me. Giddy about flowers. A simple woman who wants to help make her corner of the world a better place to be!

Jenniflower Milor


Foundation Degree in Complementary Therapies: Aromatherapy, Swedish body massage, Advanced Reflexology, Indian head massage, Ayurvedic massages including Abhyanga and oil pouring (Shirodhara), Seated chair massage, Amma massage, Indian head massage, Myofascial trigger point release, Advanced Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Swedish body massage, Advanced anatomy and physiology, Nutritional Guidance

Aromatherapy: Level 3 Diploma Aromatherapy

Holistic facial massage: NQF Level 2 Certificate

Holistic body massage: VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Holistic Therapies

Indian head massage: VTCT Level 3 Diploma

Swedish body massage: VTCT Level 3 Certificate

Zone therapy: Level 2 Certificate

Dietary advice: VTCT Certificate of Unit Credit

VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards

Jenniflower holistic massage therapies, massage in the yurt at Gibside national trust
Jennifer Milor Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Newcastle Community Green Festival
Experience and The journey

A Little bit about the "by jenniflower" story

The meandering adventure that led me here.

"She knows not where she's going, for the ocean will decide. It's not the destination, but the glory of the ride"

I am a fully qualified and insured holistic massage therapist.
Since attaining my level 2, 3 and diploma qualifications in 2007 I have fully immersed myself in the philosophies and practices of the holistic therapies I offer; applying natural methods of achieving sustainable levels of health to my own life; looking at personal health in the broader context of community and natural environment and the greater benefits than can be achieved when we offer these therapies within this context.

Holistic massage therapies help reconnect the individual with their natural self, and with this reconnection comes a deep sense of responsibility for achieving and sustaining a good level of personal health, community health and a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy natural environment and healthier interactions with this natural environment to maximise the levels of health we can achieve individually.
I have over the course of my journey as a holistic therapist, worked within a variety of settings. I opened a practice room within an independent health food business once qualifying in 2007. Here, I built up a strong customer base and learned valuable lessons in attracting business and keeping that business. However, I found this commercial setting light years away from where I would like to be with these therapies: I found that their value was seen mainly as a method of pampering, though this can be beneficial in improving ones’ sense of wellbeing I felt their therapeutic value was overlooked and I know their worth to be more than this: as part of a healthy lifestyle these holistic treatments can help build a stronger, healthier self; physically and emotionally and a stronger, healthier community. With this in mind I handed over the treatment room to another therapist and worked voluntarily within a host of community organisations in an effort to engage those I felt could truly benefit from these treatments. I did this until I started the Foundation Degree in Complementary Therapies at Newcastle College.
During the 2 years of this course I tailored my learning so it was relevant to health in the context of not only the individual, but also the community and our natural environment. I did this whilst learning advanced massage techniques and deepening my knowledge and understanding of the philosophies and science behind these therapies, thereby maximising the effectiveness of the treatments I carry out.

the meandering journey of Jenniflower over the last 12 or so years. From Health and wellbeing are coordinator for the Newcastle Community Green Festival, to the massage yurt at Gibside National Trust and Charles street community center, heaton Newcastle, health and wellbeing center and filling our last village with flowers, and henna body art at a community fun day, and trying to paint with pets and children, if its not the cats chewing my paintbrushes as I work, its the kids knocking over my water jars. Life is full, life is beautiful.
Since gaining my Foundation Degree in 2010 I have worked voluntarily within the community as a holistic therapist and as a facilitator to setting up a system of GP referrals within a community project called ‘Time for You’ in the West End of Newcastle. This has involved a lot of networking and relationship building with a host of community organisations and GP surgeries in the West End. I have also developed a role as Massage Therapy Outreach Worker, taking these therapies into a variety of Sure Start West Riverside organisations to allow a broad section of the community to experience these therapies with no cost and advising them of healthy lifestyle choices; the importance of massage and other natural therapies in sustaining good levels of health: they can then access our low cost treatments or be referred through their GP for a course of treatments.
I have worked at numerous community festivals and events offering taster massage treatments and henna tattoos, offering a more light hearted approach to treatments.
Working voluntarily and paid within community organisations in Heaton(Martha & Mary’s and Charles Street Community Association) I have also developed a healthy customer base; offering 30minute treatments for a small cost of £10. Through this work I have developed strong links with the North Tyneside Council Carers Centre and New Prospects Association bringing affordable treatments to those in their care.
All of my work is also helping build strong networks with skilled natural health care practitioners, allowing the vision of Essential CALM to grow. With the potential to offer a range of natural therapies to strengthen the levels of health and harmony we can achieve.
I am currently working as part of the Newcastle Community Green Festival team, coordinating the healing area; where numerous therapists covering a range of disciplines will be offering private treatments and group workshops to engage the community in natural ways to achieve health and a good sense of wellbeing.
Within all of my endeavours I engage a broad spectrum of society, intuitively tailoring my treatments and my approaches to treatments to suit the needs of each individual. I have the passion and the enthusiasm to succeed in my role as a community holistic therapist and I feel my adaptable approach to business and to people will be a vital key to my success.

And here I am ~ by Jenniflower

I was born.
I lived.
At times i was found,
at others i was lost.
I lived.
I often f e l t the f l o w of nature,
in the yellow light of the sun dancing on my skin,
in the air flowing over me,
in the universe flowing through me.
Not knowing to follow the ebb and flow.
Sometimes f i g h t i n g,
Sometimes f l o a t i n g.
I w a s discovered.
Hidden beneath the limitations i believed held me back.
In flow.
With every changing moment,
the realisation was lost and found.
A perpetual lesson
A perpetual cycle
A perpetual u n d o i n g
Wild animals dancing in the water
Aliens staring at the stars
Shewolves howling at the moon
Sisters blossoming
Fertile M o t h e r E a r t h
I was born.
I live.
Sometimes i am lost
Sometimes i am completely found.
I am.
A mother.
A vessel.
I am a bridge between what is and what could be.
My children are my dreams.
My life is my creation.
My path unfurls before me.
Sometimes in plain sight
Sometimes hidden in the dark
Sometimes in blinding light.
I was
But i changed
I am change
I flow.

And here I am ~ by Jenniflower  I was born. I lived. At times i was found, at others i was lost. I lived. I often f e l t the f l o w of nature, in the yellow light of the sun dancing on my skin, in the air flowing over me, in the universe flowing through me. Directionless. Not knowing to follow the ebb and flow. Sometimes f i g h t i n g, Sometimes f l o a t i n g. I   w a s   discovered. Hidden beneath the limitations i believed held me back. Limitless. Unbounded. In flow. With every changing moment, the realisation was lost and found. A perpetual lesson A perpetual cycle A perpetual u n d o i n g Wild animals dancing in the water Aliens staring at the stars Shewolves howling at the moon Sisters blossoming Fertile M o t h e r E a r t h Growing Birthing Guiding. I was born. I live. Sometimes i am lost Sometimes i am completely found. I am. A mother. A vessel. I am a bridge between what is and what could be. My children are my dreams. My life is my creation. My path unfurls before me. Sometimes in plain sight Sometimes hidden in the dark Sometimes in blinding light. I was But i changed I am change I flow.


A favourite playlist of mine to raise your vibrations helping you to relax and leave the cares of the world behind!
My life will be filled with flowers. The Essential CALM Yurt Mama's Gourmet Mushrooms
The Essential CALM Project at Charles Street Community CenterBeautiful BeaNewcastle Community Green Festival Health and Wellbeing AreaHenna at Ludworth Community Association Summer fair